Repair Services
We offer two types of service to suit your needs.
We can arrange to come to your work site and repair your equipment on-site.
If the repair is too difficult to repair onsite, we can arrange to have the equipment repaired in our shop located in Lowell, Mass.
Please call us at 1-508-328-6602 for information on pricing or scheduling.
Visa or Mastercard Accepted
Road Service
Service is available in Eastern Mass and Southern New Hampshire
Road Service hours are:
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Emergency service is available on Saturday
Repair Shop Service
Shop Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Special arrangement can be made for service before 8:00 AM and after 5:00 PM
Equipment repaired but not limited to the following:
Heavy Equipment
Light Equipment
Lull Forklifts
Mixers (All kinds of cement mixers)
Back Hoes
Small Engine Repair
John Deere